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"The path to health is a gift earned. Never take that for granted. We're all in it together."


Seth R. Ferreira — Owner, Founder, Researcher, & Health Educator


Seth earned a Master of Public Health (MPH) in the area of public health education and research from California State University, Northridge (CSUN). He attained a postgraduate Certification in Public Health (CPH) as a public health researcher in epidemiology and biostatistics. He is also a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES). He received a B.S. in Health Science from California State University, Fullerton (CSUF) with interests in health promotion, disease prevention, and environmental health. He also has a passion for research in the area of environmental toxicity and immune dysfunction/deficiency disorders. He is currently working toward a Ph.D. in Public Health research with an interest in political, environmental, and sociological impacts on mental health disorders in at-risk populations.

His Journey

     Thank you for taking the time out of your day to stop by and read my short biography about what motivated me to become involved in this endeavor. I’m here as a public health educator and researcher with the desire to educate about quality grain-products for the public's interest. My hope is to help others become better aware of evidence-based information regarding the dangers of synthetic pesticides, genetically engineered organisms (GEOs), and additives in our food-supply and how to avoid them. Because bread is the staff-of-life, nutritious, and wholesome when in its purest form, I believe providing accurate information on this topic is critical for our well-being. As a Certified in Public Health (CPH) specialist, I have promised to abide by a specific code of ethics to protect the public and that’s the primary reason why I've embarked on this business venture.


My Early Years

     I’m sitting here attempting to condense all my life experiences into a few short paragraphs to express exactly what prompted me to become involved in this line of work. I could probably write a book due to the sheer number of experiences that led me to where I am today. I suppose, to give a clearer understanding, I’ll have to regress back to the year 1984 when I was a very young boy of about 5 years old. I struggled with severe learning and health challenges from my earliest memories. But I had no clue as to why. As I grew older, I was always extremely active but never thrived. I ate a nutritious diet, I was very fit, and I played sports. But I never felt “complete”— and I mean not even close. What I didn’t know is that there were synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, and GMOs in the food-supply and our environment that were bio-accumulating in my liver and brain. They were wreaking havoc on my mental and physical well-being. Unfortunately, I didn't learn the cause of my health problems until much, much later in life like many of us do.


Failed Health

     Growing up, I struggled to stay in school because of my deteriorating health despite the fact I was very much dedicated to my studies. As I matured into my 20's, my failing health, at just 27 years old, led me to begin studying public health in college in 2006. Because of my health challenges, I naturally gravitated toward health promotion, disease prevention, and environmental health (toxicology). It wasn’t until I began my graduate studies in public health in 2012 that my health completely failed. Ironically, something that was supposed to help me—my public health studies—actually further deteriorated my health due to the high workload and excessive stress. My body, quite frankly, finally gave out.


Search for a Cure

     I was forced to take a 6 month leave from my graduate studies in research of an explanation for what exactly was happening to me. Not a single doctor or nutrition expert could relieve the pain in my stomach when suddenly I developed a paralyzed digestive tract (gastroparesis). I started to panic over the following months when my gastrointestinal tract gradually ceased completely—and no one could help me as I became emaciated.

     I channeled all the energy I could muster into my research while employing my graduate research skills. I poured over countless scientific peer-reviewed journal articles compiling information to discover exactly what was likely the cause. I was beyond desperate. From my toxicology, biology, epidemiology, bio-statistics, environmental, and public health background, I knew it was one or more synthetic chemicals and/or GEOs impeding my liver's natural detoxification processes. But what was the contamination(s) and where did it originate?


Organics Saved My Life

     It wasn’t until I discovered the health benefits of living a 100% organic, contamination-free food lifestyle that my health finally improved back in the Winter of 2014. Earlier on, I ate maybe a 30% organic diet trying to eliminate the "dirty dozen." Evidently, going 100% organic as well as eliminating the organics that are most likely GEO contaminated in the U.S. was key. I learned that it wasn't likely a "single" chemical or GEO impacting my health but the interactions of many. Today, from my in-depth research, I know all synthetic pesticides and GEOs carry a serious health-risk that I will never expose myself to again. And all because of poor government regulation, corporate greed, and a lack of scientific precautionary standards. One thing I can promise you, once I went 100% organic and eliminated all GEOs (even risky organics likely contaminated) my health finally improved extraordinarily after 32 years of struggle.


Insights on Grains, Agriculture, and Pesticides

     We all know that grains are a HUGE part of the American diet. From my public health graduate research, I learned that grains and seeds are some of the most pesticide and GEO-laden foods on the planet—especially in the U.S. Most importantly, I learned that even when eating organic grains, it often still impacts our health because of the ubiquitous nature of GEOs and synthetic pesticides in American grain agriculture. I also learned our agricultural soils are often overburdened with synthetic pollutants. Even our groundwater and waterways are commonly so severely impacted by synthetic pesticides (from constant bombardment for decades) that full remediation can likely take many, many years or even a lifetime. And to be considered organic farmland, according to the “Code of Federal Regulations” (§ 205.202 Land Regulations), the farmland must not have had synthetic chemicals or GEOs applied for just “3 years” preceding an organic harvest. It’s often not nearly enough time for soil to recover from the contamination induced. And then there’s the difficulty in controlling GE seeds, GE pollen, and synthetic pesticides from spreading into our organic fields due to strong winds, GE pollen spread, and birds carrying GEO seeds into adjacent organic fields just yards away. This is a serious threat for many organic farmlands. It's a threat that has not yet been properly and fully addressed by the USDA, FDA, and EPA because these regulatory agencies believe GEOs and synthetic pesticides are not a serious threats to human health. Why they hold these current beliefs is explained here in my 11 Threats to Safety  research article.


Call to Action

     I firmly believe we should all be given access to the cleanest and purest food ingredients from family-owned farmlands around the globe: those never exposed to synthetic chemicals and GEOs for at least 20 years. That’s why I’ve decided to bring the cleanest, purest, and freshest flours from around the globe to your doorstep for a healthier and more vibrant you. We can become healthier together by helping each other learn how to eliminate as many synthetic chemicals and GEOs from our food-source in a country overwhelmed by commercialized agriculture. I’ve made it my own personal journey to accurately educate my family and my fellow human-beings about how to effectively live the most toxin-free lifestyle possible. Ultimately, the bureaucracy surrounding chemical-laden food in the U.S. is something we can all decide to dismantle together primarily through the power of our wallets.

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